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How to Find Affordable Dental Care in Your Area

In the 1960′s and 1970′s, most dental insurance policies would cover up to $1,000 or $1,500 in dental care every year. Today, a single crown can cost that much, but most dental insurance policies still have the same annual dollar limits.

Unable to find affordable dental services, many people are having teeth pulled that could be fixed, because they can’t afford to pay for the work.

Finding affordable dental services in your area should not be that difficult. Though the task of locating a dental specialist who offers an affordable dental plan for yourself or your family can take some time, but it can be done easily if you know how to find them.

First and simple step for doing so is to just ask around. World of the mouth is possibly the best chance you can have while looking for a good dental care plan. Simply inquire about them from your relatives, friends and co-workers. Ask about the dental services they are getting, how much it costs, how easy it’s to get an appointment, if the emergency service is provided and so on. Inquire about their personality, if they are friendly, especially towards the children and if the atmosphere in their office is relaxing and reassuring. By asking around you will not only be able find a dental care facility that you can count on but also the ones you can avoid.

If you have just moved to a new area, it could be quite hard for you to find affordable dental care. Since you are new and don’t know anyone well enough to ask about their dental plans, you can try checking out the local hospitals and other facilities that use the services of a dentist. They or the dentist they employ should be able provide you with a list of the best dental care facilities in the area. If you are planning to move to a new area, you can always check with your present dentist and find out if he can suggest any dental facility in your new area.

The other thing you can do in order to find an affordable dental care is to check out the local dental schools. Most of these schools offer dental services and that too at competitive rates. Some of them may offer to clean and check your teeth for free. You can search for them over the Internet easily.

The most powerful and easiest way of finding great dental services in your area is searching for them online. There are thousands of websites listed over the Internet that can help you locate a dental facility in your area. Simply enter the zip code of the area, and you will get the list of dentists that offer dental care in and around the particular area. Many of the dental insurance companies also provide this facility on their websites. Searching for dentists over your insurance company’s website will give a personalized list of dentists that accept your insurance cover.

However, if you don’t want to go through all the hassles of finding an affordable dental care in your area you can always go for CAREINGTON Dental Plan. Careington offers affordable dental coverage for individuals and entire family. Established by two dentists in 1979, Careington today has more than 54,000 dental service providers throughout America. You will get the best dental care from the best dentist specialists with latest technology and procedures at low and affordable rates

Ease Depression With This Natural Health and Healing Alternative

When I think of depression, I see it as a murky moat around the castle of joy that is your life.

When you’re experiencing depression, you’re outside the castle. You’re detached from your joy, standing on the other side of the moat. The drawbridge is up. You can see lights on in the castle and hear children laughter. Nevertheless, no matter how much you want to be inside the castle, you can’t figure out how to get there. You feel exiled, unable to move, and hesitant to act. Your castle of joy feels far, far away.

Why are so many people experiencing depression?

The drug industry claims that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain.

Psychologists maintain that the causes of depression are unknown.

The antidepressant drug industry is driven by multibillion-dollar sales each year. Since 2008, depression has been on the rise.

What’s going on here?

In a nutshell: Drug companies are treating the symptoms, not the person.

As a Certified Holistic Health Consultant, my point of view is from a whole-person perspective. I don’t just look at the symptoms. I look at the person.

Let me ask:

Are you feeling sad or depressed?

We all feel sad, from time to time. Feeling sad is a normal part of life and living.

However, if you’re experiencing persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, hopelessness, and disinterest in things you once enjoyed, this is not normal.

Depression impacts you and everyone around you.

Whether you observe depression in others or know this about yourself, depression is all-encompassing.

· Depression affects your ability to make healthy decisions.

· It negatively affects all your relationships.

· It affects your ability to love yourself.

· It impedes your ability to maintain healthy habits.

Depression is insidious and keeps you from experiencing joy.

Castle of Joy

If you’ve been experiencing depression, I have great news for you.

Today, I’m lowering that drawbridge.

I’ll help you cross over the moat and enter your castle of joy. I’ll show you how to interact with the world better; how to be clear headed when making decisions; and start you on your way to incorporating healthy habits back into your life.

No matter how you’re feeling now you deserve joy.

Three Things You Can Do to Lower Your Drawbridge

You can’t afford to allow depression to sabotage your professional and personal efforts.

Yet, it does.

According to the National Sleep Foundation: “The relationship between sleep and depressive illness is complex – depression may cause sleep problems and sleep problems may cause or contribute to depressive disorders.”

So, the first thing to do is pay attention to your sleep, get it regulated and under control.

Follow these three tips to ease depression:

1. The most important thing is to make sleep a priority.


Chronic stress elevates your cortisol levels. And since cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands, when your cortisol levels are bumped up, day after day, your adrenal glands eventually poop-out. This is called Adrenal Fatigue.

Lack of sleep causes hormonal imbalances that affect brain activity and physiological responses.

Cortisol production should gradually decrease through the day, until it reaches its lowest levels late in the evening, when you’re ready for bed.

When cortisol production doesn’t get shut off, it leads to serious sleep issues. And when cortisol remains elevated, your body receives an energizing signal that makes it difficult to relax and fall asleep.

There are supplements that help reduce cortisol levels and enable you to sleep better. Supplements vary for each person and depend on other health factors. Excellent choices are:

· Valerian root.

· Magnesium.

· Melatonin.

· Magnolia bark.

2. One hour before bedtime, begin powering down.

You can program your smart phone to alert you, get Alexia to set an alarm, or set an alarm clock to notify you when it’s one hour before bedtime.

When it goes off, that’s the cue for your body and mind to begin to wind down.

Just like when you were a child, you’ll create for yourself a bedtime ritual that is soothing, peaceful, and nourishing. You can do that by:

· Quieting your mind with meditation.

· Using relaxing scents in your room.

· Sipping comforting tea.

3. Balance your body with healthy eating throughout the day.

In order to get a good night’s sleep, consume protein first thing in the morning.

Eating protein for breakfast or having a protein smoothie in the morning sets your body up for restful sleep in the evening by balancing blood sugar levels.

Next, stop eating carbohydrates three-to-five hours before you go to bed.

Since carbohydrates cause your blood sugar to spike, if you eat carbs right before bed you’ll experience low blood sugar during your sleep cycle and that may cause you to get up and eat. Not only will that cause you to gain weight, it throws you out of the deeper sleep that is so needed.

Choose snacks before bed that ‘relax’ the body rather than stimulate it such as:

· A banana protein smoothie made with nut milk, whey or pea protein.

· A bowl of Kiwi.

· Peanut Butter on a spoon.

· Walnuts and Almonds.

· Sugar-free, organic yogurt or Greek yogurt with flaxseeds and oats.

· Hummus.

So, before you go the traditional route and start taking prescription antidepressants or, if you’ve been prescribed antidepressants and aren’t seeing the results you expect, know that there are natural health and healing alternatives to ease depression. And one of the best ways is through sleep.

I’ll end with this:

A client of mine who suffered from periodic depression agreed to implement these natural health and healing steps so that she could experience more joy in her life. Several months later she found her professional purpose in life and became engaged to be married. I asked her how she was doing with her sleep cycle and she replied, “I depend on it. I have too many wonderful goals in life now. I want my happy goals, so I make sleep my priority.”

My client deserved joy. So do you.

In order to live fully in your castle of joy, you must first love yourself. Love yourself enough to give your body the time it needs to rest. The drawbridge is down. Come in and enjoy your castle of joy!

Acne Help – Acne And Depression

Many people report acne breakouts during times of stress and anxiety. This is a vicious circle, because the stress can cause the outbreaks, which causes more stress, which causes more outbreaks. The great danger is, this continual cycle can eventually lead to depression. This link between acne and depression has been confirmed by a number of studies.

One study showed that 29 per cent of patients visiting their doctor for physical disorders had a depressive or anxiety disorder. The incidence of depression among suffers of chronic disorders is higher than in the general population, where up to 12 per cent of men and 25 percent of women are at risk of suffering a major depressive episode.

A visible disorder can be hard to deal with because we all want to look good and our skin is what we present to the world. This is particularly so today because of the emphasis our culture puts on our appearance. We are used to seeing pictures of perfect people with perfect skin, perfect hair and perfect bodies. Having acne, which is such an obvious imperfection, does nothing for our self-esteem. In some people, this can lead to a serious threat to their mental health.

There are a number of symptoms of depression but the main one is a feeling of sadness that is present most days and lasts most of the day. If this continues over a period of two weeks and other symptoms are present, then it is wise to seek help.

Other signs to look for:

Lack of motivation
Continual tiredness
Lack of concentration
Changes in eating patterns – lack of appetite or eating more than usual
Changes in sleeping patterns – getting too much or too little sleep
More emotional than usual – crying more often
A general loss of interest in life
People do not have to have acne to become depressed, but in those who are prone to depression, acne can play a significant role. The best treatment for the depression is to treat the acne. Taking action itself is a great antidote to feeling depressed, as it gives people a feeling of taking control and it gives them hope. It also takes their mind off the symptoms and focuses instead on the cure.

Health professionals involved in this field are accustomed to dealing with people who are in a depressed or anxious state of mind. They are the ones to turn to get help with the acne and with the depression. The way to get rid of the depression is to get rid of the acne.

Once a person starts down this road the next step is a change of lifestyle, which means adopting healthy eating habits, getting enough sleep and getting regular exercise. In addition to that, it is important to follow a program that will address the cause of the acne rather than just treating the symptoms. This way, both acne and depression will be cured

Does Poor Health Cause Depression?

Depression is taking a heavy toll on American people today. So are poor health habits, being overweight, drug abuse and poor dietary habits. Is this coincidence? Is there a correlation between poor health and depression? In this article I would like to examine this subject and make a few common sense suggestions.

Depression has a greater impact on overall health than arthritis, diabetes, angina and asthma a World Health Organization (WHO) report stated. Depression is also a good predictor of poor health. But our question today is does poor health cause depression?

From personal experience I have to say that it does. I have always had a lot of good things going for me; a beautiful wife, three talented and intelligent daughters, a good job, good physical condition and a nice house and yard. But I was not happy. I struggled with an average of 5 to 7 headaches per week for about 15 years up until eleven months ago. I was not happy, I could not be happy. Headaches are painful experiences that are not enjoyable. I was depressed far too often.

I once knew of a person who was far overweight. He had other health problems too but it seemed that the majority of them stemmed from him being badly overweight. He was likewise not a happy person. He was taking depression medication often. I could go on and on talking about people who are just not happy with their health being a major factor. What can people do? There are three habits that a person can develop that will almost definitely help.

1. Develop a regular exercise program. If you have not been exercising for a while or are overweight, start slow and build your way up. You may want to start by walking and doing simple floor exercises in your house. Eventually you will be able to jog and do more advanced exercises. There are several good pieces of literature and home exercise equipment that can help as well.

2. Begin to be more careful about what you eat. You may need to cut way back on sugar, starch, donuts, rolls, coffee, soft drinks, etc. Once again, there are many books on the subject. A great informational book is called Sugarettes by Dr. Scott Olson. There is a wealth of advice and good counsel in this book.

3. Everyone needs to get enough sleep. I know many have the argument that they cannot sleep well. The diet and exercise habits maintained have a lot to do with how good a person is able to sleep. Once an exercise program is started and dietary habits improve better sleep should come naturally.

With the implementation of these three, common sense, every day good practices the overall health of a person will improve, and with that feelings of depression may very well lessen as well.